Forms for New Development Works and A&A works

Please check whether the building is subject to the Buildings Ordinance (BO) before submitting the application form:

If it is “BO Applicable”, please use the forms issued by the Buildings Department.
Forms issued by the Buildings Department on its website

If it is not "BO Applicable", please use the relevant forms below

Form Title Form No. Download
Notice of Appointment of Chief Professional and/or Chief Structural Engineer and/or Chief Geotechnical Engineer ICU 4 ICU 4 (PDF Format)
ICU 4 (Word Format)
Application for Approval of Plans of Building Works and/or Street Works and Certificate of Preparation of Plans ICU 5 ICU 5 (PDF Format)
ICU 5 (Word Format)
Request for Fast Track Processing of Plans of Alteration and Addition Works and Certificate of Preparation of Plans ICU 5C ICU 5C (PDF Format)
ICU 5C (Word Format)

Application for Approval of Plans of Building Works and/or Street Works and Certificate of Preparation of Plans (Submission by CSE/CGE involving PSP's design)

ICU 5D ICU 5D (PDF Format)
ICU 5D (Word Format)
Stability Certificate of Chief Professional and/or Chief Structural Engineer ICU 6 ICU 6 (PDF Format)
ICU 6 (Word Format)
Notice of Urgent Works Required As a Result of Accident or Emergency ICU 7 ICU 7 (PDF Format)
ICU 7 (Word Format)
Application for Consent to the Commencement and Carrying out of Building Works or Street Works ICU 8 ICU 8 (PDF Format)
ICU 8 (Word Format)
Application for Concurrent Consent to the Commencement of Building Works ICU 8A ICU 8A (PDF Format)
ICU 8A (Word Format)
Request for Fast-track Processing of Alteration and Addition Plans for Signboard and Self-certification by Chief Professional/Chief Structural Engineer ICU 8B ICU 8B (PDF Format)
ICU 8B (Word Format)
Application for Renewal of Consent to the Carrying Out of Building Works or Street Works ICU 9 ICU 9 (PDF Format)
ICU 9 (Word Format)
Notice of Appointment of Registered Contractor, Notice of Commencement of Building Works or Street Works and Undertaking by Registered Contractor ICU 10 ICU 10 (PDF Format)
ICU 10 (Word Format)
Notice from A Registered Contractor on Ceasing to be Appointed in respect of Building Works or Street Works and Certificate in respect of that part of the Building Works or Street Works Carried Out by the Registered Contractor ICU 11 ICU 11 (PDF Format)
ICU 11 (Word Format)
Certificate on Completion of Building Works Resulting in a New Temporary Building, a New Building or Part of a New Building and Application for Temporary Occupation Permit in respect of such Building or Part ICU 12 ICU 12 (PDF Format)
ICU 12 (Word Format)
Certificate on Completion of Building Works Resulting in a New Building and Application for Permit to Occupy such Building ICU 13 ICU 13 (PDF Format)
ICU 13 (Word Format)
Certificate on Completion of Building Works not Resulting in a New Building or of Street Works ICU 14 ICU 14 (PDF Format)
ICU 14 (Word Format)
Certificate on Completion of Demolition Works ICU 14A ICU 14A (PDF Format)
ICU 14A (Word Format)
Certificate on Completion of Demolition Works (Streamlined Procedure) ICU 14B ICU 14B (PDF Format)
ICU 14B (Word Format)
Certificate on Completion of Building Works not Resulting in a New Building (Streamlined Procedures) ICU 14C ICU 14C (PDF Format)
ICU 14C (Word Format)
Notice of Intended Material Change in the Use of a Building ICU 15 ICU 15 (PDF Format)
ICU 15 (Word Format)
Proposal for Modification of and/or Deviation from the Provisions of the Buildings Ordinance and/or Regulations Made Thereunder ICU 16 ICU 16 (PDF Format)
ICU 16 (Word Format)
Application for Permit to Erect a Temporary Building ICU 17 ICU 17 (PDF Format)
ICU 17 (Word Format)
Application for Permit to Erect a Contractor's Shed ICU 18 ICU 18 (PDF Format)
ICU 18 (Word Format)
Notice of Technically Competent Person or Persons Appointed to Supervise Demolition Works ICU 20 ICU 20 (PDF Format)
ICU 20 (Word Format)
Notice of Nomination by Chief Professional / Chief Structural Engineer / Chief Geotechnical Engineer of another Chief Professional / Chief Structural Engineer / Chief Geotechnical Engineer to Act in His Stead During Temporary Inability to Act ICU 21 ICU 21 (PDF Format)
ICU 21 (Word Format)
Check List of Documents for Inclusion in Structural Submissions ICU 200 ICU 200 (PDF Format)
ICU 200 (Word Format)
Certificate of Accepted Building Materials and Products ICU 202 ICU 202 (PDF Format)
ICU 202 (Word Format)
Certificate on Completion of Testing of Drainage Works ICU 203 ICU 203 (PDF Format)
ICU 203 (Word Format)
Supervision Plan Jointly By Chief Professional/ Chief Structural Engineer/ Chief Geotechnical Engineer and Registered Contractor ICU 206 ICU 206 (PDF Format)
ICU 206 (Word Format)
Certificate of Compliance/Certificate of Supervision (for Inclusion in Ground Investigation Report) ICU 305 ICU 305 (PDF Format)
ICU 305 (Word Format)
Application for Prior-acceptance / Renewal of Structural / Geotechnical Computer Program ICU 401 ICU 401 (PDF Format)
ICU 401 (Word Format)
Structural Computer Program Statement
ICU 402 ICU 402 (PDF Format)
ICU 402 (Word Format)
Structural Computer Program Statement (Submission by CSE/CGE involving PSP's design) ICU 402A ICU 402A (PDF Format)
ICU 402A (Word Format)
Geotechnical Computer Program Statement ICU 403 ICU 403 (PDF Format)
ICU 403 (Word Format)
Geotechnical Computer Program Statement (Submission by CSE/CGE involving PSP's design) ICU 403A ICU 403A (PDF Format)
ICU 403A (Word Format)

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