Appeal Panel (Housing)

  1. Scope of Work of Appeal Panel (Housing)
  2. Membership
  3. Appeals to the Panel
  4. Scheduled Hearings
  5. More information
  6. Enquiries

1. Scope of Work of Appeal Panel (Housing)

The Appeal Panel (Housing) (AP) is an independent statutory body established under section 7A of the Housing Ordinance (Cap. 283) to determine appeals lodged against the termination of lease agreements between the Hong Kong Housing Authority (HA) and its tenants.

2. Membership

  • Mrs Peggy CHEUNG Po-yee, JP (Chairman)
  • Mr CHAN Wai-ming, BBS, MH, JP
  • Ms Cermain CHEUNG Chiu-nam
  • Miss CHEUNG Sze-wing
  • Ms CHUI Hoi-yee
  • Mr CHUNG Ka-lok
  • Mr HAU Pak-sun
  • Ms Lora HO Ka-pui
  • Mr Eric HO King-fung
  • Mr Frederick HUI Cheuk-kit
  • Ms Cindi HUI Ming-ming
  • Mr LAM Chi-ki
  • Miss LAM Hiu-lam
  • Ms Lisa SO Sze-wan
  • Miss Kennis TAI Chiu-ki
  • Mr Alric TANG Chee-ho
  • Miss Louise WONG Kam-faye
  • Mr CHENG Kin-pong
  • Miss Jacqueline CHOI Chiu-yee
  • Mr CHUNG Chi-hung
  • Mr HUI Lap-tak
  • Miss KONG Ka-wai
  • Miss Connie LEE Hong-yee
  • Mr Lothar LEE Hung-sham, BBS, MH
  • Mr LI Tak-hong, SBS, MH, JP
  • Mr LUK Chi-cheong
  • Miss Jessica MAN Sze-wing, MH
  • Miss Kitty NG Yuen-chun
  • Mr Wilson TAM Wai-shun
  • Mr Jeffrey TANG Ho-yin
  • Ms WU Dan
  • Miss Vivian YEUNG Cheuk-chi
  • Miss CHU Lai-ling, MH
  • Mr HO Chi-fai
  • Mr Terence LAU Chun-kai
  • Miss Charlotte MOU Tin-wai
  • Ms Miranda SO Man-wah
  • Miss Phyllis SO Yee-ching
  • Mr Eliott Hancock SUEN
  • Mr Kevin WONG Ho
  • Mr Dave CHAN Chi-hung
  • Mr IP Chun-yuen
  • Ms KWOK Sin-ling
  • Miss Winnie LAI Wing-yan
  • Miss Karen LAM
  • Miss LAU Yan-yan
  • Miss LEE Pik-yee, MH
  • Ms NG Hoi-man
  • Miss Kelly WONG Ka-lei
  • Mr WONG Yin-shun
  • Ms Charmaine YIP Wai-yan
  • Mr Conrad CHAN Che-chung
  • Mr CHAN Ching-yuen
  • Mr Bryan CHAN Chun-wing
  • Mr CHAN Chun-yee
  • Ms Miranda CHAN Oi-yi
  • Ms Bonnie CHAN Shum-yue, JP
  • Mr CHAN Tze-chin
  • Mr CHAN Wai-kin
  • Mr Henry CHANG Han-peng
  • Mr Ian CHENG Chun-man
  • Mr Ronald CHEUNG Yick-chung
  • Mr Alan CHIU Chi-wai
  • Ms Ellie CHIU Oi-li
  • Mr Rix CHUNG Kwok-fai
  • Mr James Mathew FONG
  • Mr Patrick HUI Man-kit
  • Mr HUI Sui-hang
  • Mr Joseph HUNG Hin-ching
  • Ms Chloe KWAN Yan-tung
  • Mr KWOK Wan-chung
  • Mr Wilfred KWONG Yu-tao
  • Ms Nadine LAI
  • Mr David LAM Tsang-lung
  • Mr LAU Tsz-ho
  • Mr Terence LAU Yin-fung
  • Mr LEUNG Shing-Yum
  • Mr Dan Ronald LEUNG Wai-tsun
  • Mr LIU Pak-yin
  • Miss Loretta LO Yee-hang, MH
  • Mr Donald MAN Ka-ho, JP
  • Mr MO Shing-fung
  • Mr Frank NG Chun-fai
  • Ms Rebecca NG Mei-ying
  • Mr NG Po-keung, MH
  • Miss Karen NGAI Oi-ling
  • Miss SIU Hiu-ting
  • Ms SO Ka-man
  • Mr SO Yat-chuen
  • Miss Sharon TAM Suet-yan
  • Mr TANG Ching-kong
  • Mr Ronald TO Yiu-ting
  • Dr TSE Wai-lok
  • Miss Euphemia WONG Man-shan
  • Mr WONG Sai-kit
  • Mr Kevin WOO Lok-tin
  • Ms Sophia YAP Pei-kwun
  • Dr YIP Chi-sio
  • Miss Wendy CHAN
  • Ms Amy CHAU
  • Miss Rowena CHEUNG Po-man
  • Ms Katrina KWAN Pik-ying
  • Ms Rina LAI Pak-ying
  • Mr Ken LAU Kin-lok
  • Ms LAU Man-yi
  • Mr Jacob LEE Chi-hin
  • Mr Kenneth LEUNG Siu-bun
  • Mr Jason LIU Chun-yan
  • Mr Vincent LOCK
  • Ms Cecily MA Yeuk-nung
  • Mr Alvin MIU
  • Ms Eva NG See-wah
  • Mr Kevin SO Ki-yan
  • Mr Johnny SZE Chun-hong
  • Mr Philip TSANG Hok-ming
  • Ms Winnie WAT Lai-yee
  • Mr Bien WONG Chun-cheung
  • Ms Peggy WONG Pik-kiu, SBS, MH, JP
  • Miss YEO Ying
  • Mr YEUNG Kin-wa

3. Appeals to the Panel

Lodging an Appeal

The tenant may appeal to AP when a lease has been terminated under section 19(1)(a) or (aa) of the Housing Ordinance, or where a notice to quit has been given under section 19(1)(b) of the Housing Ordinance, not later than 15 days after the date on which service of the notice of termination was effected or notice to quit was given. If the tenant is unable to appeal by reason of ill-health, absence or other cause thought sufficient by the Chairman of AP, a person authorized under the lease to occupy the flat may, subject to the approval by the Chairman of AP, lodge an appeal on behalf of the tenant.

An appeal shall be in writing and shall state the grounds of the appeal. The tenant may submit the appeal by hand or by mail to the Appeal Panel (Housing) (Address: 33 Fat Kwong Street, Ho Man Tin, Kowloon, Hong Kong).

Important Notice: The notice of appeal must be lodged with the AP within the above-mentioned statutory 15-day period. The Court of Appeal of the High Court of Hong Kong has held that any failure to bring an appeal within the time limit would be an absolute bar to the appeal proceeding (CACV 426/2000, 8 December 2000). AP therefore has no legal power to allow any appeal lodged outside the time limit to proceed.

Note: If you choose to send your appeal documents by mail, please ensure your mail items bear sufficient postage and indicate the return addresses before posting to ensure proper delivery to the Appeal Panel. Underpaid mail items will be returned to the sender or disposed of by the Hongkong Post. The Appeal Panel will not accept late appeals.

For information about “Sufficient Postage Ensures Prompt Delivery”, please click on:

Notice of Hearing

After the appeal is properly lodged with AP, a hearing will be arranged. A notice of hearing together with the summary of facts prepared by the HA will be issued to the appellant by registered post not less than 14 days before the date of hearing.

The appellant may appear in person at the hearing, or may be represented by a counsel, solicitor or any person authorized by him/her in writing. If an appellant will be represented at the hearing, he/she shall notify the AP Secretariat in writing the name of the person representing him/her and whether this representative is a counsel, solicitor or a person authorized in writing by the appellant. Such notice of representation should reach the AP Secretariat not less than 7 working days before the date of hearing.

Hearing of an Appeal

Appeals are heard by appeal tribunals composed of three AP members, and one of them acts as the chairman.

The hearing of an appeal shall be in public except in special circumstances. Hearings are normally conducted in Cantonese. Simultaneous interpretation will be provided to the appellant if necessary.

The hearing is normally conducted in the following manner -

  1. HA representatives will first state the background of the case and the reasons for termination of lease or serving the notice to quit. The appeal tribunal and the appellant may put questions to HA representatives.
  2. The appellant will then give his/her grounds of appeal. The appeal tribunal and HA representatives may put questions to the appellant.
  3. After all parties have finished their statements and questions, the appeal tribunal will order the appellant, HA representatives and any bystanders to leave. The appeal tribunal will proceed to deliberate and determine the appeal in private.

If an appellant does not appear and is not represented at a hearing of the appeal, the appeal tribunal may, if satisfied that the notice of hearing has been given to him/her –

  1. proceed to hear the appeal in the absence of the appellant, or
  2. adjourn the hearing.

In case of inclement weather (such as the hoisting of Tropical Cyclone Warning Signal or Rainstorm Warning Signal by the Hong Kong Observatory) during a hearing day, AP will handle the scheduled hearing according to the arrangements laid down in the relevant Notice (Typhoon & Rainstorm Warning ArrangementsPDF Format).

Decision of the Appeal Tribunal

An appeal tribunal, in determining an appeal against a termination –

  1. under section 19(1)(a) or (aa), may confirm, suspend or cancel the termination;
  2. under section 19(1)(b), may confirm, amend, suspend or cancel the notice to quit.

The decision of the appeal tribunal shall be final.

The AP Secretariat will notify the appellant and HA in writing of the appeal tribunal's decision as soon as possible, normally within 14 days after the date of hearing.

4. Scheduled Hearings PDF Format

Note: Members of the public may be admitted as visitors to observe the hearing. For enquiries and reservation, please contact the AP secretariat before the relevant hearing date (Tel: 2761 7252). Visitors are advised to read our House Rules.

See House Rules PDF Format

5. More information

6. Enquiries

Correspondence Address: 10/F, Block 2, Housing Authority Headquarters, 33 Fat Kwong Street, Homantin, Kowloon.

Telephone: 2761 7252

Facsimile: 2761 7100